Are you a saver, or an indulger?
Do you save for a rainy day or splurge from time to time?
Do you use your good stuff or wrap it in plastic for decades?

What I've noticed is I tend to save or preserve a lot of what I own. (Finances aside, I should definitely save more there! Also, a Covid-19 lesson learned).
Here's an example: Donny and I got married 11 years ago this July. With the exception of a toast at Isabelle's baptism 7 years ago, I've never used the fine china from our wedding. And I love that china. I smile every time I look at it. I remember going with my mom to William Ashley and registering for it.
I'm not sure what "special" occasion I was waiting for.
This past weekend, we used it for the first time.
With our kids.
On white dining room chairs.
I was a little bit nervous, to tell you the truth, but it was also important to me to honour this Easter that I won't soon forget. While I would have loved to see all my family, I didn't need a huge gathering to make it a special occasion. It was special even with the four of us.
So, we got all dressed up and toasted with my grandmother's champagne glasses and ate our homemade pasta in my fine china.
And it felt extra special.
Don't wait for some magical time to use your good stuff. This is as extraordinary a time as any.

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