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February 22, 2023

11-Day East Coast Road Trip

Last summer, like millions of others, Donny and I were craving a vacation. But with rising costs (of everything!) and airline challenges, we weren't quite ready for a European adventure with the kids just yet. 

A Canadian roadtrip seemed like the perfect fit, and it was. We could go at our own pace, explore Canadian cities and towns and support our local Canadian tourism industry. 

We didn't have a huge amount of time carved out, and truthfully, we didn't plan it far enough in advance, but that's why I'm handing out our itinerary now, so you have the time you need if you want to take a road trip to the Maritimes this summer. 

Our East-coast road trip was only 11-days roundtrip. Was it enough time? No. Do we regret going? Absolutely not. Would we do it again? One hundred per cent.

The East Coast of Canada is simply awesome. The people are outstanding, the seafood is incredible and the views are magestic. You can hit wilderness and beach in the same day, and all in Canadian funds. 

Obviously, we didn't see and do everything on the East Coast of Canada, firstly, because it's impossible -- our nation is full of picturesque towns, delicious meals, and cultural experiences. But we DID jam-pack our 11 days. Our pace is not for everyone, but it worked for us.

Soon, I will share more details about what we did in every city, but for now, here's an overview of our route, so you can start to plan yours. 

11-day East Coast Road Trip 

Prep Night: Vaughan ➡️ Kingston (Leave at 9 pm and get to Kingston to sleep)

Day 1: Kingston ➡️ Quebec City, with lunch in Montreal

Day 2: Quebec City ➡️ to Fredericton with stops in Rivières du Loup, Edmundston and Grand Falls (Long drive day)

Day 3: Fredericton and surrounding areas: Saint John, Hopewell Rocks, St Martin, and Bay of Fundy

Day 4: Moncton ➡️ Halifax

Day 5: Halifax / Peggy's Cove / Lunenburg

Day 6: Halifax to PEI via ferry in Caribou

Day 6-8: Prince Edward Island 

Day 9: PEI ➡️ Rivières du Loup — stop in Shediac and Magnetic Hill 

Day 10: Rivières du Loup ➡️ Montreal (stop in Quebec City for lunch), sleep in Montreal

Day 11: Montreal ➡️ home 

Overall, our itinerary was great -- I would have liked more time in PEI, and possibly another few days in Nova Scotia to go to Cape Breton Island. But, that means we'll be back because there's so much left to see, including the St. Lawrence, Magdalene Islands, and we haven't even mentioned Newfoundland yet!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!


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