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In 2017,  I  will  stop buying razors. I'm sure when you ask someone what's on their bucket list, they may respond with somethi...
This spring, eyes are sparkling -- that is, with glitter. Glitter and lustre, sparkle and shine are all the rage this season. Maybe it'...
When was the last time you enjoyed a truly relaxing massage?  It's been a while for me, which is ironic, because I do get regular ...
If you've been reading and following my Instagram  you know all about my love for Burberry make up. It's a new found love, but one...
This is no brainer. You can't really go wrong  with  a gift to the spa. Whether it's Christmas, Chanukkah, Birthday, Anniversary or...
About a month ago, I ventured back to work after a year of maternity leave. For some, it would have been terrible, but for me, it wasn'...
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