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By now everyone knows that I try and support local, and support Canadian, as much as I can. And I love finding new and interesting items ...
Have your kids written their letters to Santa? Checked their lists twice? Chances are, some little boys and girls might have a Furby Connect...
I'm a proud Canadian.  I also try to support Canadian products and companies on the whole. And I'm a sucker for hyper local anyt...
We are officially less than 3 weeks away from Christmas so I plan on devoting the next few weeks to fantastic gift ideas that are aff...
December is here. Cue the sparkle, cue the music! Cue the parties. Entertaining is a BIG part of the holidays and I typically like to brin...
In honour of Giving Tuesday (today), I wanted to remind everyone that the holidays are also a time to give back -- whether it's through ...
It's that time of the month, ladies. OK, not that time of the month. But it's time to meet another Hasbro Disney Princess! T...
I've got a really great gift for the following person on your list:  the person who loves style the person who makes a statemen...
Kids love miniature items, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't, too. Mini figurines, mini cars, mini dolls and doll houses. Rec...
The month of November is Prematurity Awareness Month, and November 17, specifically, is World Prematurity Awareness Day. It's a day...
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