Simply Suppa is a division of Suppa Media Inc.

We've made it to the last long weekend before school starts again for the kiddies. I pride myself on being hyper crazy organized wh...
One of my favourite all-time snacks has got to be Italian Giardiniera. I grew up with the crispy, vinegary veggie preserve, quite often e...
When I see Zucchini Flowers on a menu, I'm often intrigued to try them. While this delicate, soft blossom has been used and enjoyed...
Did you know the name 'LEGO' is an abbreviation of two Danish words  leg  and  godt , meaning "play well"? I didn'...
If you put food on a stick, people will eat it.  Yup, there you have it. It's not rocket science, but it's true. Whether yo...
ODYSSEO / CREDITS : ANDREW MILLER It's more than a horse show. That's what I was told a few minutes before entering the Odysse...
The other day I was speaking with a volunteer at work and I started thinking about my career and how I got started. Many will know that I go...
We're days away from the first summer long weekend in Canada, and it's a pretty big one. It's Canada's 150th Birthday and un...
Here we are -- summer in Canada. About a week left before school's out and time to signal the parties, late nights and trips to the b...
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