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June 27, 2019

Making Summer Meals Easier with Summer Fresh

Meal Time Easier

School's out -- and one of the biggest loads off a parent's back is the end of school lunches, right?! Wrong. I've heard a few fellow parents sigh with relief, but, in my mind, I'm thinking of the 3 meals plus snacks x 7 days a week for 9 weeks. That's a lot of meals. And I'm being modest with the 3 snacks -- cause, really, they're constantly at me for snacks.
Granted, some of those snacks will be self-serve (banana, anyone?), and some of those meals will be restaurant-made or leftovers, but that still leaves a lot of meal planning. Plus, throw in camp, sports, activities, outings --oh, and did I mention I run my own business!? -- and I need food options that are fast.

Did you know Summer Fresh Salads makes an entire line of...salads? The Canadian-made, Canadian-owned company, known widely for their amazing hummus, also makes salads -- 16 of them to be exact. They also recently released their own line of salad dressings, too.

And with variety like Red Skinned Potato Salad, Mac & Cheese, Pasta Italiano, Greek Pasta Feta, Crunchy Detox and Couscous Salads, there are a LOT of options.

Here are the ways you can bring Summer Fresh Salads into your summer, and make your life a whole lot easier:

Straight Up: 

These salads are ready-made, and last a couple of weeks in the fridge before opening. They are great to have on hand for a last-minute meal. And they're big -- like 800g big -- so one salad (especially a pasta salad) can feed a family, with leftovers. The Pasta Italiano Salad (pictured above) is hearty and spicy, with chunks of red pepper, black olive and bocconcini mixed together with the rigatoni. 

On the Side:

First off, you don't always need a side-dish. But if you want something to accompany your main course, these salads are a great option, especially if you want to limit your carb intake (I'm not suggesting you do, but just in case!).

As an Appy:

If you are throwing a party or you have last minute guests over, you can jazz up a ready-made salad in minutes. Toss it into a fancy cup or ramekin, and boom! You're a superstar. The Couscous Salad is a good base for a fancy salad or appy -- it's mild in flavour, which makes it a hit with adults and babies alike, and the flavour profile can be enhanced with a few adjustments-- toss in a warm beet, or drizzle a balsamic glaze and you have a healthy and fancy summer bbq appy. (And it's vegetarian, too)

On the Beach/Picnic/Soccer Field/Baseball Diamond:

Summer sports and activities often start right at dinner time, and chances are, you don't want your kids (or you) to eat out of the Drive-Thru every night. Because these salads are sharable, ready-made and easy to transport, they make a great travelling meal. Whether you're eating on the sidelines or you're having a family picnic or relaxing by the pool or lake, you can breathe knowing everyone is well-fed.


If your kids go to day camp, you likely have to pack lunch. A pasta salad is a kid-friendly option that's easy to eat. Keep your eye on creamy salads, though, as some aren't heat tolerant. 

At the Potluck

Here's the thing, signing up for "salads" at the potluck is always a great idea. So, good job. But if you've lost track of time/groceries/your mind, the Summer Fresh Salads will rescue you. Use the tips above to either a) bring a variety of salads to the party or b) spruce up an existing option with your own magical twist.

At the end of the day, the summer IS supposed to be a bit more relaxing than during the school year, so give yourself permission to ease the stress and take something off your plate -- literally.

So hooray to no more school lunches -- and cheers to taking the guesswork out of a lot of upcoming meals.

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Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. As always, the opinions on my blog are my own.

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