Simply Suppa is a division of Suppa Media Inc.

Two months ago, we welcomed our second daughter into the world. The past 8 weeks have been somewhat of a wonderful whirlwind: exciting, exh...
Since having a baby 7 weeks ago, I've learned juggling a newborn and a toddler is a whole new world. I'm always looking for ways t...
Being a parent is hard work. It's ironic, actually; you don't need to go to school to be a parent, or a licence, and while the...
Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, it's time to look forward to the next big celebration on the calendar -- Halloween. As a kid, ...
6 years ago, when Donny and I got engaged, I was so excited to register for my wedding. We signed up for china, and crystal and all ki...
I don't know where 2014 went, but Thanksgiving is this weekend. You know what that means, right? Thanksgiving, then Halloween, Rem...
Two weeks ago, we welcomed another beautiful baby to our family. It goes without saying the last 14 days have been a bit of a blur. Between...
It goes without saying that when you have a daughter, you're bound to have a few dolls laying around. Without getting into a whole gend...
Cheese is a staple in our home. It's not uncommon for us to have at least 3-4 cheeses in our fridge at any given time. It's our go...
Me, doing my Run Director thing, in 2012 Photo by Gennarino Photography This week -- August 18-24 -- is Paint Canada Pink Week and ma...
Five years ago, when we got married, I registered and received my first and favourite set of bedsheets. Not overly exciting, right?! Wro...
I think it's safe to say: many people don't treat themselves nearly enough in life. Moms and moms-to-be are definitely in this gro...
At the start of the summer, I wrote about setting up our family intentions -- our bucket list, so to speak. I'm proud to say while we ...
Photography by Picture Perfect Designs, Woodbridge Today is a milestone for me. I'm 29 and 6. What does that mean? It means I'...
I don't know a mom who isn't busy. Between taking care of our kids, preparing meals, cleaning and having SOME FUN, not to mention ...
I love indulging on cravings in the summertime. While I'm usually a "salty" gal, this pregnancy has definitely played wi...
As a producer and TV host, I know what it means to be PR friendly. As a blogger, I get it, too.  Simply  Suppa  vows to be as ...
I've lived in Vaughan for much of my life. That said, when I was a kid, a teen, a young adult, I spent a LOT of time at Canada's W...
Last week, I wrote about our Summer Bucket List . It was the perfect pre-curser to our staycation this week. Not only did we get a few of...
I'm your typical "Type A" personality -- so it goes without saying that I make To-Do Lists. A LOT of To-Do lists. I really lo...
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